

INTLINGO Copywriting Contest 2020

While the marketing world is ever-changing, concise and compelling writing has always been the rule of thumb in content marketing. The INTLINGO Copywriting Contest 2020 welcomes all creative minds to unleash their copywriting magic to inspire consumer actions with mind-blowing content…

Wuhan Annual Party 2020

In a refreshing change of pace, INTLINGO Wuhan decided to bring the team’s customary New Year celebration to a cottage on Yulong Island, “house party” style. Gary, General Manager of our Wuhan company, thanked the team for their hard work in the past year…

Our Contacts

  • Diners Professional Translation Services Limited
    +852 2545 2227  diners@diners.com.hk
  • Hong Kong Legal Translation Limited
    +852 2370 2038  cs@hklegaltranslation.com

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