Yang Tao (Simon) Chairman and Non-executive Director
Yang Tao (Simon) Chairman and Non-executive Director
Mr. Yang Tao (Simon) is responsible for the Group’s overall strategic management and corporate development. Simon has over 20 years of experience in the translation and multilingual communication services industry. From 1998 to 2004, Simon worked as the general manager of China LSP Limited. He later founded Simon Young & Associates Limited (2004), Intlingo HK (2004) and Wuhan Yuyuan (2010). Simon obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree from Shenzhen University. He is also currently an associate member of the American Translators Association.
Lam Shing Ming (Wallace) Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director
Lam Shing Ming (Wallace) Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director
Mr. Lam Shing Ming (Wallace) is responsible for overall strategic management and development of our Group’s business and operation and overseeing our Group’s operation, business development and human resources. Wallace has about 30 years of experience in the translation and communication services industry. Prior to the inception of our Group, he established Diners Professional Translation Services in 1995 as a sole proprietorship which specialized in legal translation.
Lam Yuk Fong (Venus) Project Director
Lam Yuk Fong (Venus) Project Director
Ms. Lam Yuk Fong (Venus) is responsible for overseeing the operation, finance and administration of our Group. She is currently a director of Diners and GFS. Venus first joined our Group in 2009 as a customer service officer and was promoted to operations director in 2017. She was appointed as our project director in 2017. Venus has over 10 years of management experience in heading a sales support team in the telecom industry and 10 years project management experience in running multilingual translation and interpretation services in Hong Kong.
Tian Guo Jun Operations Director
Tian Guo Jun (Gary) Operations Director
Mr. Tian Guo Jun (Gary) is responsible for overseeing the operations department in our Group comprising the teams of translation, QA, CAT and DTP. He has over 10 years of extensive experience in translating and editing different types of financial, legal, corporate communications and marketing documents. Gary first joined our Shenzhen office (“Shenzhen Yangtao”) in 2008 as a translator and then was relocated to our Wuhan office (“Wuhan Yuyuan”) in 2009 and promoted to translation manager in 2013 and general manager in 2016 at Wuhan office. He was appointed as operations director of our Group in 2019.
Yang Qiu Assistant Operations Director
Yang Qiu Assistant Operations Director
Ms. Yang (Ivy) is responsible for supervising the Financial Translation Team in our Group. She has over 9 years of extensive experience in translating and editing different types of financial and legal materials. She is well acquainted with both the Chinese and English languages. Ms. Yang obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree from Guangxi Normal University.
SY Wan Translation Manager
SY Wan Translation Manager
Mr. SY Wan (Mr. Wan) has over 10 years of extensive experience in translating and editing different types of financial and legal materials. He is well acquainted with both the Chinese and English languages. Mr. Wan obtained a Bachelor of Arts (Honors) degree in Translation from The Lingnan University of Hong Kong.
CS Chan Language Consultant
CS Chan Language Consultant
Mr. CS Chan (Mr. Chan) has over 30 years of extensive experience in translating, editing and copywriting for various types of financial, legal, marketing and training-related literature. He is well acquainted with both Chinese and English languages. Mr. Chan was the founder of GFS. Prior to establishing GFS, he held senior positions in a leading construction and property group and an international PR consultancy in Hong Kong, with responsibility for supervising translation and editorial teams and the quality of literary production. Mr. Chan obtained a diploma in English from The Shue Yan University.
MS Lo Senior Translator
MS Lo Senior Translator
Ms. MS Lo (Ms. Lo) has over 6 years of extensive experience in translating and editing different types of financial, legal and marketing materials. She is well acquainted with both the Chinese and English languages. Ms. Lo obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Language Studies and Translation from the Open University of Hong Kong.
SY Yu Senior Translator
SY Yu Senior Translator
Mr. SY Yu (Mr. Yu) has over 10 years of extensive experience in translating and editing different types of financial and legal materials. He is well acquainted with both the Chinese and English languages. Mr. Yu obtained a Bachelor of Laws degree from The Nottingham Trent University in the UK and a Bachelor of Laws degree from The China University of Political Science and Law. He also obtained a degree of Bachelor of Business Administration, majoring in Finance, from The Chinese University of Hong Kong.