
What kind of corporate communications materials should be translated

March 17, 2023

Corporate communications is the way in which a company communicates with its stakeholders, such as employees, customers, shareholders, the media, and the public. It can cover a wide range of activities, including public relations, marketing, advertising, internal communications, and crisis management. The goals of corporate communications is to create and maintain a positive image of the company, build brand awareness and loyalty, and ensure that all stakeholders are informed and engaged.

Corporate communications can include various channels of communication, such as press releases, social media, email newsletters, memos, and company websites. It is important for companies to have a cohesive corporate communication strategy to ensure that their messaging is consistent across all channels and that it aligns with their overall business objectives.

Why translate corporate communications

1.      Reach a wider audience: Translating your internal and external communications will enable you to connect with a broader range of people, including non-native speakers and international audiences. This can help you to expand your reach and improve your brand’s visibility.

2.      Build trust and credibility: By communicating in the language of your audience, you demonstrate that you value their culture and respect their needs. This can help build trust and create a positive image of your brand.

3.      Compliance with regulations: In some industries, such as healthcare and finance, it is a legal requirement to provide information in multiple languages. By translating your communications, you can ensure you are compliant with these regulations.

What to translate

1.      Marketing materials: Brochures, flyers, social media posts, and other marketing materials should be translated to reach a wider audience.

2.      Websites: Your website should be translated into the languages of your target audience to improve accessibility and engagement.

3.      Employee communications: Internal communications such as policies, training materials, and memos should be translated to ensure that all employees can understand them.

4.      Legal documents: Contracts, terms and conditions, and other legal documents should be translated for those involved to ensure that all parties understand their obligations.

Tips to translate your corporate communications

1.      Identify your target audience: Understand who you are communicating with and what their language needs are.

2.      Use professional translators: Work with professional translators who are fluent in both the source and target languages and have expertise in your industry. Have second translators review and edit the translated materials to ensure accuracy and quality. A good translation agency may come in handy on this.

3.      Maintain consistency: Develop a glossary of key terms and ensure that translations are consistent across all materials.

4.      Maintain your corporate identity: Whether internal or external, communications is the lens through which the recipients see your company. Make sure to align the communications with your corporate identity.

5.      Test before launch: Test the translation with a sample group to ensure that it is effective and well-understood before launching it to a wider audience.

Our Contacts

  • Diners Professional Translation Services Limited
    +852 2545 2227  diners@diners.com.hk
  • Hong Kong Legal Translation Limited
    +852 2370 2038  cs@hklegaltranslation.com

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