
Halloween DIY Workshop

October 21, 2022

To enhance the festive fun and enrich staff activity, INTLINGO held a “DIY Paper Craft Workshop” before Halloween this year to teach colleagues how to make “ghost hand” and spiderweb decorations with papers.

To make a “ghost hand”, first draw the outline of your hand on a piece of paper and cut along it, then fashion the fingers and knuckles carefully; while for making a spiderweb, first fold a piece of paper in half for several times to form a triangle of suitable size, then draw a web segment on it, cut off the excess part of the paper, and a spiderweb with symmetrical pattern is finished. After rounds of hard work and attempt, colleagues did manage to finish their paper crafts. They were all nice!

Following the workshop, we also had a vote on “Best Works” and “Halloween Guessing Game” which asked those who didn’t join the workshop to guess by whom these “ghost hands” and spiderwebs were made. An exquisite gift will be given to the winner who guessed the most.

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